Digital TV Antenna Selector  

 The Digital TV Antenna Selector will guide you through a process that ultimately chooses the best digital TV antenna and accessories for your location. However, it will take a little time and effort on your part but the results will be excellent digital TV reception.


    Selecting the proper digital TV antenna for great digital TV reception can be confusing. Unlike analog reception, digital TV reception is unforgiving therefore selecting the wrong antenna is punished by a "no signal available" displayed across your TV screen. By following the guidelines here you can select the best digital TV antenna and equipment just like a professional.

   "The biggest mistake people make is buying an antenna that's too (weak) small to do the job". This couldn't be more true.

   Beware of digital TV antenna hype and mumbo jumbo. New so-called "breakthrough antenna technology" is everywhere. The simple fact is you can't cut corners. Antennas have to be of a certain size and shape to work properly. The Digital TV Antenna Selector is designed so you can select the best digital TV antenna for your location. One that will provide consistent quality digital TV reception rain or shine.

   100% satisfaction guaranteed results. The success rate of this digital TV antenna selection process is better then 99%. > 


   Start Here →    The FCC Digital TV reception maps will be utilized for our digital TV antenna reception data source. We have found the data provided by the FCC mapping system to be the most accurate available. When it's time to click on the link below the FCC reception data base will open in a new window on your computer. You will need to refer to the FCC page as we go through the process of selecting the TV antenna. I suggest that you minimize the FCC page by clicking on the (--) symbol in the upper right corner of the new FCC page window. By doing this it will put the FCC page into a tab and place it into the tray on your computer. To bring the FCC page back up click on the FCC Digital TV tab in the tray at the bottom or side of your computer screen. This will allow you to go back and forth between this digital TV antenna selector and the FCC page.

   The FCC reception data will provide many important details that you will need to know to select the proper digital TV antenna. When you click on the link below and go to the FCC page do the following. On the FCC page submit your complete address into the location box in the upper left corner of the page. A zip code will work but it won't be as accurate.  The map will pinpoint your location with a Red ballon and the available stations will appear on the left side of the screen.  

   Go to FCC DTV location maps now and when you have submitted your address and the data appears minimize the page by clicking on (--) in the upper right corner of the FCC page and return here to the digital TV antenna selector to begin the process of selecting the best digital TV antenna for your location.

    At this point you should have the FCC map page open and (--) minimized in the tray at the bottom or side of your computer screen. To retrieve information from the FCC site you can click on the tab to open it and then minimize (--) it to return here to the digital TV antenna selector.

   Let's begin selecting your digital TV antenna. On the FCC page you will find each station listed in order of signal strength that should be present at your location starting at the top with the strongest signals. This data takes into consideration several factors such as, distance to the TV transmitters, terrain (hills trees etc.), geographical elevation, transmitting power of the station and so on.

Note: TV Transmitter direction is displayed by clicking on the call sign of each station on the FCC maps page.

 >>>>>>>>>>4 signal ratings in all. 

   Digital tv antenna strong TV signal  4 bars = STRONG Signal strength
  Digital TV antenna Moderate TV Signal Strength3 bars = Moderate Signal Strength    

  Digital TV antenna weak TV signal strength2 bars = Weak Signal Strength
  Digital TV antenna No Signal Expected  No bars = No Signal Expected Very Difficult.

Note: In some cases the stations listed under no signal can be received with the proper antenna at an adequate antenna elevation above ground.

   From the stations listed on the FCC page determine which (if not all) of the stations you want to receive. In many areas there may be duplicate network affiliate stations available. For an example there may be two ABC, CBS, etc... stations available in your area. You may also find that the stations in your area appear at various signal strength levels. When this happens always choose the digital TV antenna to accommodate the weakest signal that you want to receive.

   Bottom line, you decide what stations on the list you want to receive and consider the signal strength when making your choice below.

   Open the FCC window tab now and determine the signal strength of the stations you want to receive when you're finished minimize (--) the tab and return here to the digital TV antenna selector.  If you need to review the signal strength chart just open the FCC tab and minimize (--) it when your finished.

   You should now know the signal strength of the stations available in your area it's time to select the digital TV antenna that's suited for your location. If you have searched the Internet you've learned there are hundreds of digital TV antennas to choose from many claiming to be the best. Hopefully we can simplify the process for you. Using my 20 years experience I selected 5 of the top performing best built antennas on the market. Each antenna was selected for its performance in its particular signal strength category and range. All you have to do is select the proper digital TV antenna according to the signal strength rating indicated by the FCC digital reception location maps.

Note: on the FCC maps location page you can track the signal path of the transmitters and the transmitter direction by clicking on the call sign of the TV station. You can zoom in and out on the location map. You can switch from terrain view to map or satellite view. Lots of neat things! go ahead and check it out


Tid Bit. Signal amplification can significantly effect your final results. Proper signal amplification equals what is required to effectively deliver the signal from the antenna to each TV. Too little or too much amplification may result in poor end performance.

Note: Transmitter direction is displayed by clicking on the call sign of each station on the FCC maps page.


Tid Bit. Attic mounted TV antennas or antennas mounted low to the ground will not perform as well as antennas mounted outdoors above the roof line. 

Note: Transmitter direction is displayed by clicking on the call sign of each station on the FCC maps page.